When I had chemo before for my primary diagnosis, the dose was so strong that I used to leave hospital with big bags of drugs to combat all the side effecta, I had 3 types of anti sickness tablets, antibiotics to combat any possible infection, injections to boost my white blood cell count, laxatives to counteract the anti sickness medication that bungs you up. This time is very different, I only have my indigestion tablets to take in the morning and the rest of the week no drugs. It really helps to keep my brain clear and I feel like less of a cancer patient because of it.
There is one big side effect that's starting to happen...my hair is falling out, not as fast as last time but it's getting more and more each day. It's held onto my head with a combination of hairspray and hope at the moment. I'm going away with my boyfriend this weekend and I'm desperately hoping that it stays put for another couple of days. Most of my morning routine is spent collecting up the hair....off my pillow, from the plug hole, out of the brush, from the bedroom floor. I am prepared with a lovely new wig for when the time comes to say goodbye to my real hair. I've gone all out this time and got an expensive one, this is when it seems perverse to appreciate having cancer for a second time, I know all the tricks, the best wig shops to go to and I don't feel like a rabbit in the headlights this time. So very soon I'll be sporting my super wig, she's called 'Cody' (not my choice, this is what it says on the tag).
As far as success of the treatment goes, I should be getting a CT scan around week 12 (mid to end August) this will monitor the effect the chemo and Avastin have had on my lymph nodes and liver. In the interim my Oncologist has said that the weekly blood tests I have could also show an indication of the success of the treatment, they monitor my liver function and calcium levels in the blood so will see if anything major is going wrong with my liver and bone mets.
The photo below is of the hanging basket my Dad bought me, he's jet washed my patio, bought me new flowers and donated a table and chairs. It's the practical things he can do because he can't control what's happening to me health wise, and it's so lovely to sit out in the summer evenings and have my dinner Al fresco. It's the little things that count when you're going through crap like this, we both love fuschias and I sent this photo yesterday to prove that I had kept them alive.
Then some more of me having a lovely time with my best friends and family (hair still clinging on).
Then some more of me having a lovely time with my best friends and family (hair still clinging on).